COMMUNITY CONNECT is overseen by Healthy Start Coalition of Brevard.
Community Connect is a Healthy Start program that handles the Prenatal and Infant Screening forms and referral process after the screens are completed at your providers office or birthing facility and are referred.
Community Connect helps pregnant women, caregivers and families with young children by providing a one-stop entry point for needed services, such as education and support in childbirth, newborn care, parenting, child development, food and nutrition, mental health and financial self-sufficiency.
It is through COMMUNITY CONNECT that participants are contacted, assessed, provided information, and referred to home visiting programs and other community resources. Community Connect contacts the families by phone and helps refer them to the home visiting program and community resources that best meets their family’s needs.
One call to 321-634-6101 from self-referring individuals, referring agencies and healthcare providers can connect pregnant women and families to local home visiting programs and resources that help ensure a healthy start in life and a hopeful future.
Connect Today! Call (321) 634-6101
Community Connect provides the following services and referrals based on needs:
- Childbirth education
- Newborn care instruction
- Breastfeeding education and support
- Parenting education and support
- Counseling services
- Help to quit smoking
- Nutritional education
- School readiness
- Child development education and support
- Family planning education
- Car seat safety
- Infant safety
- Home visiting programs
Benefits of Home Visiting
- Moms and babies are healthier
- Children are better prepared for school
- Children are safer
- Families are more self-sufficient
- Home visiting programs save money
Participating home visiting programs include:
Healthy Families of Brevard and Healthy Start Coalition of Brevard
Community Connect Referral Form
Community Agencies: We can connect pregnant women and families to community resources and local home visiting programs (Healthy Families and Healthy Start) that help ensure a healthy start in life.
If you have a pregnant mother or a family with the child under the age of 3 that is in need of support and services, please fill out this referral form and fax it to us at 321.634.6108.